I’m using a NVIDIA GeForce GT610 graphics card.
I switched from nuveau to NVIDIA proprietary driver(390.157) with a .run driver installer with 6.5+ kernel patch. The installation was successful and I used it for a long time.
Then an update came for my NVIDIA driver(I found it in the software store)
After the update I rebooted and now after the buffer it just shows a black screen.
I switched to tty2 with Alt + F2 and then removed the xorg.conf file from /etc/X11 directory. As soon as I removed it the GUI starts but in really low resolution and in system details it shows that I’m using “Software Rendering” as graphics.
I know that I can write a new xorg.config by running the command “sudo nvidia-xconfig”
I run that command and after reboot it just goes back to being the same black screen.
Someone please help me on how I can go back to when it was running the driver correctly and thanks in advance.
Note that the drivers from nvidia have not been explicitly tested and tweaked for use with fedora.
The nvidia drivers from rpmfusion have been tested and tweaked to work with fedora.
I have not had a GPU of that age for many years so have no first-hand experience with that driver and modern kernels. That driver also does not support wayland in any form.
Personally I would suggest that you upgrade the GPU to one that is supported by the newer nvidia drivers and that also support wayland – I would recommend a GTX 1650 or newer (an RTX 2050 or newer would be better).
Barring that change I would next recommend that you remove the nvidia drivers that are installed directly from nvidia with the .run file and are no longer maintained; then install the 340xx drivers from rpmfusion following the guidance here.
Any configs or files that are installed as a result of installing from then nvidia site may conflict with the drivers installed from rpmfusion.