Fedora 39 :Nvidia kernel module missing, Falling back to nouveau

I installed nvidia v.470.xx drivers and it showed the following message :
Nvidia kernel module missing, Falling back to nouveau
I have a gt710 and i used this2. Legacy GeForce 600/700
I didn’t install cuda because its version is not supported.

My kernel version is 6.5.6
/sbin/lspci | grep -e VGA
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208B [GeForce GT 710] (rev a1)

After the restart it ran fine nouvea. Then after another reboot it bacame super slow like super unreponsive. Eg:When moving mouse it was like 1 fps and the letters would get double typed.

i uninstalled the driver with this command dnf remove xorg-x11-drv-nvidia*
Any solutions?

Howto/NVIDIA - RPM Fusion

this guide will help you

I did follow that guide and the error was shown after restart.

you still getting the error? if so try this

dnf remove 'kmod-nvidia-*

akmods --force

sudo reboot

it will remove kmod then builds it again it should work after those done and reboot

usually it hits the error after OS updates just restart again and should be ok especially if updating from GUI

No I am not getting the error after removing nvidia through dnf. Though I would love to have proper working drivers. They just don’t seem to work on fedora kde for some reason.
So I came looking here for help.

In general, any nvidia gpu that works with the 470 driver also works with the later drivers. Additionally the drivers newer than 470 support use of wayland. The 470 and older drivers only work with xorg.

Additionally, if you are still using the 6.5.X kernel they you should upgrade using sudo dnf upgrade to the latest kernel as well as all other packages so potential fixes of other types are already installed on your system.

Have you tried these steps.

  1. dnf list installed *nvidia*
  2. if that list shows several nvidia packages then remove the nvidia drivers with sudo dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware (the firmware package is required for all nvidia GPUs and comes from fedora)
  3. reinstall the nvidia drivers with sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia which will install the nvidia drivers at the latest version.
    a. If step 1 does not show the nvidia-gpu-firmware package as installed, then please install it with sudo dnf install nvidia-gpu-firmware. – It is required.
  4. wait at least 5 minutes then reboot.

As I understand it KDE on fedora is intended to work with wayland so drivers that do not support wayland are problematic when using kde.


I got this error message
What now?

BTW Thanks for helping me everyone!

edit: Currently trying to follow through other steps.
Btw Should i switch to some other version of fedora that does support my graphics card? If so which distro?

i only have some requirements :-

  1. Should be able to play some medium graphic games like terraria and valorant.
  2. I am learning web development so it should be able to run vs code.

Any valuable feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

edit 2: I followed through all the steps and i think the odds are not in my favor.
It again showed the same error message " [Nvidia kernel module missing, Falling back to nouveau]". I think i will need to change my distro for sure.

Apparently you have at some point installed nvidia drivers that did not come from rpmfusion.
Where did you obtain the drivers and how were they installed?.

I have never seen that behavior from packages installed using the rpmfusion repos.

Please run dnf list installed \*nvidia\* and post the results here.

Please also post as much as humanly possible by copy and paste from your screen into the thread here so we have the text to read and others may search what you have posted. The </> button on the toolbar will allow keeping it formatted as seen on your screen.

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Yes, When i stated using fedora a week ago i tried installing nvidia drivers.
I am still new so i went on youtube and found this Youtube video which led me to this website..

i followed through all of the steps till step 2.6.4 Remove xorg-x11-drv-nouveau (Which i completed.)
Then i found out about fedora’s discord server where i was told to use rpmfusion. I then proceeded to install the drivers through rpmfusion and finally arrived at the error message " Nvidia kernel module missing, Falling back to nouveau".

Then i found out about fedora discussions and i posted my problem.

Edit : The previous listed command had worked! And i have followed all the steps previously listed by you.

Heres a screenshot

I will restart after 5 minutes and i will post the results. Everything was green so i hope everything was good.

Didnt Work its still falling back to nouveau .

i have removed it and installed it from rpmfusion.
But alas it isnt working. It slowed down my whole computer. I was barely able to remove it.

Basically heres the problems:-

  1. Rpm fusions 470.xx version for my gt 710 doesnt seem to work. Matter of fact it slowed my computer down to a crawl so i unistalled it.
  2. dnf list installed *nvidia* returns the following :-
  3. sudo dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware returns the following :-
  4. sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia Gives the error “Nvidia kernel module missing, Falling back to nouveau” on the boot screen
  5. sudo dnf install nvidia-gpu-firmware was followed as per steps

The </> Text

@fedora-:~$  dnf list installed \*nvidia\*
Installed Packages
nvidia-gpu-firmware.noarch                                                                                             20240115-2.fc39                                                                                              @updates
@fedora-:~$ dnf list installed *nvidia*
Installed Packages
nvidia-gpu-firmware.noarch                                                                                             20240115-2.fc39                                                                                              @updates
@fedora-:~$ sudo dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware
[sudo] password for : 
 Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: kernel-core, plasma-desktop
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

As requested, please copy & paste the text from the screen.
Screenshots are discouraged.

In that first image you have a trailing ~ on the package name – which resulted in removing the package that should have been explicitly excluded from the removal.
dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware would have been correct.

You still have not removed the parts that are attempting to force a removal of kernel-core.
Please answer this question

and do this.

It is difficult to make any suggestion other than reinstall fedora unless we have detailed information as to how you got to this point and what the current conditions are.

As stated, the 470xx driver is inappropriate. The GT 710 is supported by the 470 and higher drivers so installing the latest driver seems appropriate for that GPU. The 470xx driver limits you to using xorg only and has other limitations besides being older by more than 2 years.

I am sorry for not following along
Q. Where did you obtain the drivers and how were they installed?
Ans. I got them from Nvidia.com . And i followed this guide. till step (2.6.4 Remove xorg-x11-drv-nouveau) of the guide.

Q. Please run dnf list installed \*nvidia\* and post the results here.
Ans. Here they are

Hariom@fedora-Hariom:~$ dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware 
Error: This command has to be run with superuser privileges (under the root user on most systems).
Hariom@fedora-Hariom:~$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for Hariom: 
root@fedora-Hariom:~# dnf remove \*nvidia\* --exclude nvidia-gpu-firmware
 Problem: The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: kernel-core, plasma-desktop
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
root@fedora-Hariom:~# dnf list installed \*nvidia\*
Installed Packages
nvidia-gpu-firmware.noarch                                                                                             20240115-2.fc39                                                                                              @updates

Q. As stated, the 470xx driver is inappropriate. The GT 710 is supported by the 470 and higher drivers so installing the latest driver seems appropriate for that GPU. The 470xx driver limits you to using xorg only and has other limitations besides being older by more than 2 years.

Ans. I am sorry. I just looked at the compatibility section and didn’t know it worked with my gt 710

I cannot assist with problems when you are using the drivers from nvidia.com. Those drivers are the original and may or may not work as installed. Installation and maintenance is different than using the rpm versions from rpmfusion.

The drivers downloaded and installed from the rpmfusion web site are specifically tweaked and tested to work reliably with fedora. In over 15 years using the nvidia drivers from rpmfusion I have never encountered a problem with an nvidia gpu.

I have assisted in recovery though with individuals who had previously installed drivers from nvidia, or from negativo, or from other sites and in almost every case the removal of the drivers they had installed then installing the nvidia drivers from rpmfusion solved the issues they were experiencing.


I will reflash it after my pendrive arrives on 15th of Febuary. This os is completely bricked. I will use the same file I used for it but unlike this time I will properly install everything. This has been a great introduction for me to the world of Linux and consoles and I really like it. I hope I can come looking for help again here.

Thanks to everyone that has helped me . I will close this topic and reflash it on 15th of Febuary. We can chat here till then about how to ‘properly’ install linux nvidia drivers and some good practices.

Again, Thanks for all the help! Peace :v:

The internet is no longer a reliable source of technical information, so you have to vet the sites you use carefully. I have done introductions to linux in workshops for scientists who needed to use specialized linux software. One goal of the introductory sessions was to ensure that the participants had found reliable sources of information. Since then it has become more difficult to avoid misleading web content.

In addition to the documentation that comes with a linux distro as man pages and docs (in /usr/share/doc), Linux Command provides good command-line information that is not tied to a particular linux distribution, has been tested over time, and has translations for some languages other than English.

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Thanks for the suggestion :sparkling_heart:.
I am currently reading about the terminal from the link you provided. It’s very helpful. Almost makes it look like a powerful toy so as to speak.

I will update once I have read it all.
Edit : Finished reading alot of stuff about the terminal.
I am quite confident now.

Have a wonderful day :blush:

The terminal command line is more powerful by far than any single management gui. The gui is specialized for one purpose and does only what the developer of that app thought was important (which may not be what the user needs in all cases).

No gui, no matter how well developed, is capable of doing everything that a user can do from the command line – though it does pretty things up for display and most do what they are intended for reasonably well. Users who do not learn and use the command line tools never realize exactly what they are missing by being fenced in by the gui.

Yeah , I found that out the hard way by trying to install nvidia drivers.

I had a question
Is there any documentation or something else that I can use to play games on my system. I mainly want to play games that I get from steam (like smash legends) but also games that I get from Jc141.
Is there anything I need to be concerned about with jc141?

I do not play very many games, though I do have steam installed from the rpmfusion-nonfree-steam repo and some games. I am just not focused on a lot of game playing as I have other things that keep me busy.

It is my understanding that the Nobara project is essentially fedora with some additions & changes to provide better support for gaming, among other things.
The site you linked to also mentions nobara.

If your focus is gaming then it seems nobara might be a better fit for your needs. It is up to you but be assured that even when running nobara anything directly fedora related would likely see help provided here, but anything that is in the area where changes were made probably would see a referral to nobara for support.