I uninstalled fedora but I guess something left from grubloader, now I’m trying to reinstall using live usb but it throws an error. Fedora itself installed but not bootable
the following error occurred while installing the boot loader. The system will not be bootable. Would you like to ignore this and continue with installation?
failed to remove old efi boot entry
Failed to set new efi boot target. This is most likely a kernel or a firmware bug.
I have tried to delete fedora boot loader and reinstalled it again, but it did not help.
there is also grubloader showing only windows not fedora after installation.
If the goal is to use only Fedora try the following:
Back up all important data to external storage.
dnf install gparted after booting the USB LiveCD.
Use gparted Device - Create Partition Table select gpt.
This will also ERASE all data on the SSD.
Use gparted to create, format and name a fat16 boot partition with a size of about 90 Mibs.
Using gparted, right click the newly created boot partition, click manage flags then check a box for either boot or esp.
This will tell the installer that the partition may be used as a /boot/efi partition.
Use gparted to create, format and name an ext4 OS partition.
Generally a size of about 50,000 Mib should suffice but you may size it larger or smaller.
Select CUSTOM Installation and Standard Partitioning during the installation.
Gparted has worked well for me during the past decade or so. Using gparted to manage partitions will give you better control than when you attempt to manage them during an installation process.
Since you want to keep windows, do NOT create a new partition table. Carve space for Linux out of the space remaining after windows was installed. If windows blindly used all remaining space as C:, use gparted to reduce its size before creating partitions required for Linux. do NOT instruct the installer to use the same /boot/efi partition with windows. Instead create a separate small fat16 partition in the space following windows created/controlled partitions.