OK, things are cooling down a bit in the discussion. That’s good.
As I stated before, I’m all for sharing my data if this helps Fedora and the community in any way.
I’ve read some interesting comments around here. Some of them gave me some perspective:
for example, Mark Pearson was very transparent and that made me want to help even more by contributing my data. I do want to help him get Fedora everywhere within Lenovo.
Also, all posts by Andrew Jorgensen make a lot of sense too. He has some good ideas about what to ask for and how to do it.
And Gerald B Cox also made some good points. It’s not the devil wie’re sharing our data with anyway. It’s Fedora and Red Hat. I still like 'em both.
In the end, at least it’s the feeling I get, we all want to contribute. We all want an omnipresent Fedora and a better one as well. But, if we are to share our data (which, it seems, is a very hard thing to do to many):
- we want to be able to opt-in to that; in different levels of disclosure.
- we want to know exactly what is collected
- we want a very detailed explanation of what is going to be done with the data.
- we want to authorize any change to that and be offered the option of opting-out if we don’t want to continue.
If not enough users opt-in, we make a campaign to ask users to opt-in more until we get most of our users to help. We will do that by informing them of:
- how many people are sharing data currently and on which level of disclosure.
- what have we done with it.
- what could we do if more people opted-in.
- badge (or something) for contributing.
That sounds easy and straight forward, doesn’t it? It’s that simple.