- Status code: 404 for https://ftp.plusline.net/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 416 for http://mirror.i3d.net/pub/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/3fa8739afd99d261f9864123eff0dac5eb43404d2678d0a9e99509cb57afd48e-primary.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 404 for http://ftp.plusline.net/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 404 for https://ftp.fau.de/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 416 for http://mirror.i3d.net/pub/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 404 for https://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/pub/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Curl error (23): Failed writing received data to disk/application for http://ftp.plusline.net/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/3fa8739afd99d261f9864123eff0dac5eb43404d2678d0a9e99509cb57afd48e-primary.xml.zck [Failure writing output to destination]
- Status code: 404 for http://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 404 for http://mirror.serverion.com/fedora/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
- Status code: 416 for https://mirror.i3d.net/pub/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/719b67bc2f2b17eeec4597b67123a8a705fb6633c74ee952805f19761989661f-updateinfo.xml.zck (IP:
Errore: Failed to download metadata for repo 'updates': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/3fa8739afd99d261f9864123eff0dac5eb43404d2678d0a9e99509cb57afd48e-primary.xml.zck - Download failed: Curl error (23): Failed writing received data to disk/application for http://ftp.plusline.net/fedora/linux/updates/40/Everything/x86_64/repodata/3fa8739afd99d261f9864123eff0dac5eb43404d2678d0a9e99509cb57afd48e-primary.xml.zck [Failure writing output to destination]
Preventing me to get and install updates. How to fix it?
Seems like it fixed it. My internet connection does work as I am writing this from the computer with the issues. Pinging fau.de doesnât work, but copying âfau.deâ into firefox does seem to work weirdly enough
What I do is hardcode some other mirror sites into my fedora-updates.repo file as baseurls, so the below is the copy and paste of my usual fedora-updates.repo file
(the âdownload.exampleâ one is a bogus placeholder baseurl they put in the file, so youâll want to add your own).
Then if the mirror baseurl that dnf picks is giving me problems, I just go into my fedora-updates.repo file and comment out the metalink and comment in one of the baseurl lines that points to a host thatâs not the one thatâs having problems. After I have the update done, I then comment the baseurl lines all back out and the metalink= back in.
So then you might be thinking âgreat but how do you find out another baseurl?â
you can do:
run âdnf repoinfoâ and look at the Base URLs it shows for âupdatesâ repo. But when the mirror is bad, that would just parrot back to you the bad base server. So what you can do is:
copy the âmetalinkâ url, namely itâs this for Fedora 41:
put it in a web browser and load that URL. It wonât show it in the browser but it will download it in your ~/Downloads as file named âmetalink.metalinkâ , look in that file and it will have listed many baseurls you can pick. They are the lines that start with â<url protocol=â.
Use one of those thatâs not the one youâre having errors with.
When youâre done with the dnf update, you edit it back to point to the âmetalink=â because by the next time you try to update the mirror issue will likely be gone.