Driver canon pixma tr4650 - Fedora 41

Hi all,
I have a canon pixma tr4650 printer and it’s not recognized/working on Fedora 41.

On the canon website there are no drivers for it. Is there a way to make it working on Fedora 41?

It’s not working either from USB or from Wifi.

That model supports AirPrint, which is currently compatible with IPP. If you connect it to your WiFi network it should appear in the Printer Setup with no need to install a driver.

[Canon driver for Fedora 34]( rinters/pixma/tr-series/pixma-tr4650.html?type=drivers&detailId=tcm:13-2160849&os=all&language=en&productTcmUri=tcm:13-2131933) has a source package, but porting to F41 would not be a good first packaging project.

Hi George,
thanks for helping me on this issue.

I have to say that it’s working fine on Fedora 39.

How should I add it? If I try to add itfrom Settings->Printer–>It will find it when I add its ip address but then it will ask to select the driver (and under Canon there is no driver for TR4650).

Do you have any guide that I can follow to add it? The printer is reachable from the browser at ip

Here, Gnome Settings Printer Add Printer offers “MG7500” with Address: “Canon MG7500 series_ipp_tcp.local”.

Do you have CUPS installed? CUPS supports IPP but Gnome also supports it without CUPS.

One of my systems that does not have CUPS installed lost the printer configuration (probaboy after an update), but I just had to confirm the defaults and it was working.

Try adding port 631 to the IP address. Here, Printer Setup offers “Cannon_MG7500_Series”, “Driver” is pre-filled with “MG7500 series - IPP Everywhere” and Address with “dbf1d0000000.local:631”.

avahi-resolve --name dbf1d0000000.local.
% avahi-resolve --address	DBF1D0000000.local

The IPP Guide tells you how IPP is supposed to work.

Hi George,
first of all thank you for helping me. Today, suddenly, it started to work and I’m able to print (I can’t scan but it’s a step ahead). I will try to make the scanner working and will check the IPP Guide you have shared!

Thank you

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Glad it is working. For every person who reports a problem like this there are many others who don’t report, and may end up switching distros or buying a new printer. If you can find the time, you might be able to understand why it didn’t work initially by comparing carefully selected sections of journalctl for older boots with the one where it started working.

Do you know what service should I check? So I can restrict the check?