Documentation landing page CTA (Call to action) - Your feedback is important

I suspect we need better on-ramps to get people started. If we could have a list of 10 docs issues that someone could start working on tomorrow, I think that would be a good foundation for building stronger calls-to-action.

I confess that I attempted to tackle this challenge, but it became a lonely effort and I did not get very far with it:

One idea I had was using another service that could help us aggregate “good first issues” across multiple projects and repositories. I got a tip (I think from @siddharthvipul1) about this platform called Algora. I have not looked into it much, but it was on my homework pile for things to explore and check out.

Perhaps this could be a useful bridge for identifying our best entrypoints without having to build something new ourselves.

I had a short look. There is much about rewarding money, or at least is looks like that to me. But maybe we can use it or get some good ideas from it.

Did you bring the CTA up with the website team in the past?

On another note, I read a book about calls to action - Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller. I got enlightened with many ideas that need to be put in to action.