I suspect we need better on-ramps to get people started. If we could have a list of 10 docs issues that someone could start working on tomorrow, I think that would be a good foundation for building stronger calls-to-action.
I confess that I attempted to tackle this challenge, but it became a lonely effort and I did not get very far with it:
One idea I had was using another service that could help us aggregate “good first issues” across multiple projects and repositories. I got a tip (I think from @siddharthvipul1) about this platform called Algora. I have not looked into it much, but it was on my homework pile for things to explore and check out.
Perhaps this could be a useful bridge for identifying our best entrypoints without having to build something new ourselves.
Did you bring the CTA up with the website team in the past?
On another note, I read a book about calls to action - Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller. I got enlightened with many ideas that need to be put in to action.