| very slow while searching in searchbar

I was searching for atomic desktop in the search bar. While typing atomic it got stuck after typing the a and took a while till displayed the options with the word atomic.

I remember that we had in the beginning of docs.fp.o similar issues. Is there some tweaking necessary to make it faster?

I think this system is designed/maintained by @darknao . I think to remember that there was an issue a long time ago (the time when we tested the search function of back then) that a lot of stuff had to be cached locally for the search function. However, I might have mixed this up in my mind or so because it is a long time ago, but I think in the testing stages of the search function (at least the search function of back then) we had similar issues. Maybe he or someone of Docs has some thoughts about it or knows how to mitigate.

Since this is not about Discourse feedback, I shift the category to the docs’ project discussion so that the people who work on the Docs can review the issue.

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