Dn5 system-upgrade doc inconsistency yes/no/maybe?

According to the docs at System-Upgrade Command — dnf5 documentation a typical upgrade looks like this:

dnf5 --refresh upgrade
dnf5 system-upgrade download --releasever REL
dnf5 system-upgrade reboot

However, after running dnf5 system-upgrade download --releasever REL I get the following message:

Transaction stored to be performed offline. Run dnf5 offline reboot to reboot and run the transaction. To cancel the transaction and delete the downloaded files, use dnf5 offline clean.

So, I have tried both: dnf5 offline reboot and dnf5 system-upgrade reboot
Both work.

My questions are:

  • are those 2 different commands or is one an alias to the other (not important, I’m just curious)
  • would it make sense to either change the documentation or the output of the dnf5 system-upgrade download command?

While both commands make sense, the documentation “feels” inconsistent.

Please note that this is not crucial or super important. I just noticed it and it felt a bit off as I had this “hmm, what now? is it the one or the other” thought.