Create not erasable toolbox


I checked out into the forum but it seems there are no topics related to that.

In fedora silverblue 41, I often use toolboxes for creating development environments (for trying new features, code development,…).

Is it possible to control toolbox permissions, so that we can avoid erasing a toolbox by mistake?

The final result should be receiving an error in case the user tries to delete the toolbox(or the underlying container using podman).

hi there.

Afaik, these user containers are stored in ~/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/. They have random values (maybe a machine finds them very understandable)

So you could try and find the correct one and make it non-erasable, in theory by chowning it to another user, and granting your user all permissions apart from delete.

But there is an issue: normally you use containers as a tool, you download and use it, and when updating, you just replace it. This is not done with toolbx/distrobox, there you use the container as an environment and make changes inside it.

BUT Fedoras dnf updater does not allow upgrading the distro within the container. At least I havent found out how to do so, yet. So the recommended way is to scrap your changes and remove and re-“deploy” the container to update it.

This is quite bad, distrobox allows using a compose file to make this less painful.

So it would not make perfect sense to protect it, as

  • you may change it, until it becomes a “ship of theseus”
  • This will include deleting files, so it could not even be possible to prevent deletion, as it would apply to all files in it
  • it will need to be replaced every year

Containers are not great UX-wise yet ;D

hi @boredsquirrel,

thank you for your answer.

What I was looking for was a way to “lock” the toolbox from accidental deletion(so that I could manually unlock it just before swapping to some “upgraded” version of the image). And this because my toolbox is a dev one(and it’s very likely to play with containers and scripts).

Btw, I tried to get the storage directories relating to toolbox containers. Using the podman inspect command over the toolbox, I found following folders:


After chowning to root only the directories relating to my toolbox, I tested the change by trying to remove it. I received an error reporting I could not delete the toolbox(good), but after launching toolbox list , the toolbox was not there (it had been removed anyway, not so good :sweat_smile:)

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Yes chowning stuff is not as easy. I am pretty certain that the owner can always delete files. Might try to remove the delete permission from it

I think that you’re looking for things like called devcontainers in the vscode way
I would suggest you to build images with your tools and run them with your app files in bind mount volumes

You may be better off just making a backup after you get it working …


Yes, kind of. The idea was to “isolate” everything required for dev into a toolbox, thus avoiding to install it into the main OS.

Eventually I think I’ll go for the backup/restore (as proposed by @grumpey ) or I’ll create a script in order to quickly rebuild the toolbox when required.


The script you’re talking about seems to be a Containerfile/Dockerfile …
I don’t know projects you’re working on but it seems that you try to workaround things that containers are made for

I was just looking for a way to build a flexible and robust dev env on silverblue(considering that installing apps/packages using rpm-ostree is possible but not recommanded). I was evaluating toolboxes as they seemed to me the suggested tools for that.