(Ben Cotton)
October 25, 2022, 8:09pm
Wow, it’s been a while! Here’s the agenda for the Council meeting 2022-10-26T14:00:00Z in #fedora-meeting .
(Justin W. Wheeler (JWW))
October 25, 2022, 10:28pm
Ben Cotton:
Wow, it’s been a while!
Looking forward to my first one back in a while.
(Ben Cotton)
October 26, 2022, 3:08pm
Minutes and full logs are available in Meetbot.
Registration is open for the F37 Release Party
We’re okay with creating a council space in GitLab and Justin can name his FCAIC repo at his discretion
The proposal to move the council-private mailing list is tabled indefinitely
Matthew published historical notes for reference , which will be live on the Docs site soon (perhaps by the time you read this!)
Action items
@jflory7 to file ticket to create council name space in gitlab
@mattdm to post strategic plan discussion threads
@jflory7 Follow up with riecatnor on moving forward with Council CoC-related tickets
@jflory7 Put together a draft for the Fedora/Red Hat relationship (#388 ) and share back to Council after U.S. Thanksgiving
(Justin W. Wheeler (JWW))
October 27, 2022, 8:57pm
This is now done!
I also created by repository and will start experimenting with it as a tool over the next week.
We did have a chance to check in on this, and we agreed that @riecatnor can stay assigned to the Code of Conduct tickets. I will co-own this as FCAIC with her as she transitions into her new role.
Stay tuned… Or give me feedback here:
Blowing off some dust here
Following the 2022-10-26 Council meeting , I took an action to have a first draft of this doc by the Wednesday, 4 December Council meeting.
This made sense for me to pick up because I have many years in Fedora but it is my first time at Red Hat. So, I am coming in with specific goals I want to achieve with this documentation. I want to provide better guidelines on the following:
What is a Red Hat contribution?
What is a company contribution?
What is a pe…