(Ben Cotton)
Here’s the agenda for the Council meeting 2022-05-11T14:00:00Z→2022-05-11T15:00:00Z:
- Action item follow up
@mattdm to close #387, leave the bot running
@mattdm to create a historical documents section for old Council docs, Board decisions, etc
@bcotton to write the “economic-political/labour relation to Red Hat” content requested by
- Ticket queue reviews
- Your topics here!
All are welcome to join us in #fedora-meeting
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(Ben Cotton)
Minutes and full logs are available on Meetbot.
Action items
@mattdm to create a historical documents section for old Council docs, Board decisions, etc
@bcotton to write the “economic-political/labour relation to Red Hat” content requested in ticket 388
@mattdm to formulate a proposal for the council in support of prioritizing this (possibly over other platform / release / infra engineering work).
@mattdm to use madlibs to generate bios for everyone who does not have one.