dnf repoquery --installed --recursive --requires --resolve zfs-dkms
gives 444 dependencies. 200 of which were brought in only because of it. Some of those 200 I imagine might be required by zfs as they could rely on as transient dependencies via zfs-dkms, I don’t know, zfs itself has only zfs-dkms as dependency. Most of them are perl packages actually. So, given I don’t want to upgrade my kernel or zfs, or only explicitly, would it be safe to force removal of this package along with its dependencies?
I think the kernel modules, once built, are pretty self-contained. You could probably remove dkms and all the compilers after the zfs drivers have been built, but you won’t be able to upgrade zfs or compile zfs for a new kernel without the zfs-dkms package. Also, I don’t know if the zpool or zfs commands might need something that is pulled in by zfs-dkms. The basic mounting and reading will work though as is evident because only a few complied modules and commands are necessary in the initramfs to mount your zfs root filesystem if you are running root on zfs.
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