Can GRUB2 be scaled? If so, how?


As the undermentioned quotation demonstrates, I’ve ascertained how to force GRUB2 to render at the correct resolution for my monitor:

However, because it’s scaled at 100%, it’s quite small. Consequently, I want to scale it. Whether solely integer scaling or fractional scaling is available in addition is insignificant to me, because 200% is acceptable.


  1. A Reddit post also asks this, to no avail.
  2. I’ve asked

Since this is grub and the display will be reset once the DE loads, why not use GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x720 which would be approx 200% scaling from the default.

Once the graphical desktop loads the default resolution should be reconfigured for normal use.

@computersavvy, because that’s incredibly low resolution, so the font can’t display properly. I want to do this properly.

It is 1080p by default on this machine, despite being the full resolution on my laptop by default.

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