After each Fedora upgrade (like last Fedora 35 time) I already expect Bluetooth/audio issues.
So here we go…
First a funny bug
The name of the one headset I use is not visible in GNOME Settings…
has no problems showing it though:
$ bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# devices
Device B0:67:2F:1B:**:** PX7 Bowers & Wilkins
Maybe the &
is breaking stuff here?
Anyway, I can still click on it and then it is shown/works as usual:
The problem
I can also connect the device, the connection is confirmed by the devcie and that all works.
Only, it does not show up as an audio device – nor as input (though that was broken in Fedora 35 as well – I mean it showed up, but was not usable) or output.
Workarounds tried
- rebooting
- unpairing and repariing (with GNOME Settings)
I should possibly note sth. about my system.
I followed the usual guides for having aptX support, I guess in Fedora 34 already.
That’s also why I have removed some base packages… maybe there is a problem with these?
That has been suggested to me at the time of the Fedora 35 upgrade and worked fine so far in F35.
$ rpm-ostree status -v
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: last run 5h 54min ago
● fedora:fedora/36/x86_64/silverblue
Version: 36.20220512.1 (2022-05-12T20:00:12Z)
BaseCommit: 298486a9757785902e07482e5a71008e521e9d1c92d7a98e6bc25ac53c966f9f
├─ repo-0 (2022-05-04T21:16:11Z)
├─ repo-1 (2022-05-12T19:35:04Z)
└─ repo-2 (2022-05-12T19:36:45Z)
Commit: 823c7b3d3d4af36293ea6d2a3c7635e8bacbdb0692b6296f7546446b5fd78a13
├─ fedora-modular (2022-05-04T21:12:01Z)
├─ fedora (2022-05-04T21:16:11Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free (2022-05-04T04:48:11Z)
├─ fedora-cisco-openh264 (2022-04-07T16:52:38Z)
├─ updates (2022-05-13T01:50:57Z)
├─ rpmfusion-free-updates (2022-05-09T05:15:49Z)
├─ updates-modular (2022-05-08T01:14:17Z)
└─ updates-archive (2022-05-12T20:41:38Z)
Staged: no
StateRoot: fedora
GPGSignature: 1 signature
Signature made Do 12 Mai 2022 22:00:44 CEST using RSA key ID 999F7CBF38AB71F4
Good signature from "Fedora <>"
RemovedBasePackages: pipewire-pulseaudio 0.3.51-1.fc36 wireplumber 0.4.9-1.fc36
LayeredPackages: adb compat-ffmpeg28 dconf-editor firewall-config git git-credential-libsecret git-subtree gnome-tweaks gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gtkhash-nautilus heimdall htop
httpie keepassxc kid3 lshw mozilla-openh264 nautilus-image-converter nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus nvme-cli openssl pipewire-media-session
podman-compose rpmfusion-free-release simple-scan smartmontools sushi tldr zsh