Advice on setting up new Fedora Laptop


I was wondering what the best practices and solutions for the following.

I am getting a new latop that I want to install Fedora on. Currently I have a Desktop running fedora.

My desktop has lots of software/repos all setup and configured.

I wondered if there way an good way to bulk install all the same programs and repos onto the new Fedora latop, rather than having to install everything one by one again.

Just looking at some time-saving hints and tips etc

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you can export the list of of dnf installed packages and use that list on the new machine to install the same packages.


if you have packages from 3rd party repos installed, you need to copy over the repo files first (/etc/yum.repos.d/xxx.repo) or set them up manually.

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Perfect just what I needed

Make sure you only export the package name without Version number because that can change from the time you exported the list to the time you use the list for installation and dnf will complain “package not found”

rpm -qa --qf '%{Name} ' > file.txt

Thanks Flo, that’s a very good point, much appreciated.