2024-08-20 Commops Team Meeting Summary

i have no clue what im doing but this should probably be automated

Summary of the Fedora Community Ops meeting on 2024-08-20


People present (lines said)

  • @jflory7:fedora.im (158)
  • @gwmngilfen:ansible.im (41)
  • @moralcode:fedora.im (37)
  • @zodbot:fedora.im (17)
  • @nhanlon:beeper.com (13)
  • @roseline:matrix.org (5)
  • @ shaunm:matrix.org (5)
  • @ thisisyaash:fedora.im (3)
  • @meetbot:fedora.im (3)
  • @rickdev:matrix.org (2)
  • @ davdunc:fedora.im (2)

Team announcements and news

  • Flock 2024 happened from 7-10 August 2024. It was our first time in the USA since 2017. An event survey is on its way soon and an event report will follow soon.
  • AI/ML survey results were shared in @ mattdm’s State of Fedora keynote at Flock. TL;DNR: There are lots of opinions, but the majority of respondents were unsure/uncertain about how Fedora should integrate AI/ML into our contributor tools or the distro itself. The Council will continue to review this feedback and move toward building guidelines about the use of AI/ML in the project. The State of Fedora keynote is in the livestream on Fedora YouTube, but will be cut out into its own video soon.

Initiative Co-Leads updates

  • At Flock, there was a Fedora Infra hackfest on the third day. Robert Wright (he/him) attended and worked with nirik and others like Steve Milner to devise a way of creating a sandbox environment with replicated fedora-messaging bus data, so you don’t have to have super special elevated permissions to access the message bus data. More info to come.

Ticket-driven discussion

  • #46: Fedora Linux 41 Release Party - main tracker ticket
    • Fedora Linux 41 Release Party - main tracker ticket (#46) · Issues · fedora / Community Operations / Home - Tickets and Docs · GitLab
    • Contribution areas for the F41 Release Party: Content & promotion, Design & Badges, Event production, Speaker management
    • Fedora Linux 41 Schedule: Key
    • Public holidays in the Czech Republic - Wikipedia
    • Content & promotion: @ roseline-bassey and @jflory7 to tag-team. Short-term goal is to publish a “save the date” post in September.
    • Design & badges: @ thisisyaash to contribute as a designer. Need follow-up from @ ekidney and/or @ mpeck. Short-term goal is to start the creation of new badge artwork and a featured image for the content & promotion team.
    • Event production: @ moralcode to bottom-line with support from @ neil and @ gwmngilfen, with support from @ jflory7. Short-term goal is to create a new Fedora Wiki page to begin organizing the event, and setting up a new Pretix event for registration.
    • Speaker management: @ shaunm to contribute as a EPEL 10 / CentOS Stream 10 advisor to avoid conflicting with the CentOS virtual event, and find relevant topics for a Fedora audience. To be confirmed if we can combine our virtual events together. @jflory7 will follow-up with @ amoloney to confirm interest in this organizational area.

Next steps

  • Action items

  • @ gwmngilfen Review Meetbot PRs from @ moralcode

  • @ jflory7 Invite more feedback to the two date options for the F41 Release Party (likely pre-release or post-release)

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i had to put spaces between some of the mentions as im hitting limits with how many people I can mention at once.

thanks discourse

That’s configurable (seriously, everything in Discourse is configurable, the settings are ridiculous :stuck_out_tongue:) - see:


We could ask Matthew to update … but then that applies to everyone, so we have to consider if we want that.

i suspect im just not at a high enough reputation level on Discourse yet

@moralcode I boosted your trust level so you should have fewer issues with things like this next time. Thanks for helping cover the meeting logs!

And yeah. I would love to find a way to automate this eventually. Maybe it could fit into our This Week in Bootc idea. Imagine taking input from Fedora meetings that use a specific !meetingname. Even an automatic meeting summarizer could be a useful tool. Let’s keep discussing this in our intern planning conversations. :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry for the lag … we do automate this in Ansible, using the same bot. The issue is that the bot has a choice of two backends, and they’re mutually exclusive, so Ansible posts logs to Discourse, and Fedora posts logs to Meetbot

I have meant to go back and make them not exclusive (there’s no real technical blocker, it was just a bad choice of implementation style), but at least for now the code is there if you want to look at it :wink: