I’m so woke that I’m post-pronouns, baby.
I get mildly irritated the the Pacific Timezone is centred in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is a wretched hive of Windows and Oracle.
Why is my handle @icantremember? I can’t remember. No, I was trying to log in but fedoraproject told me there was already an account associated with my email alias. I sort of remembered creating a bugzilla account in the past but I couldn’t remember what I’d entered as an ID or password. So I was filling in forms with random strings and hey presto! I seem to have created a new account with a name I wasn’t intending to use. It happens.
My real name is not Lionel Mandrake of course. I wasn’t born in Wiltshire in the 1930s. One of my favorite films (maybe my all time favorite) is “Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb”. I was going to use my favorite image of Peter Sellers as the eponymous Dr. Strangelove but Wendell over at Level1Techs had already taken that identity so I had to scramble (like a dashed Hurricane pilot on standby, what) for an alternate. I figured Lionel Mandrake is preferable to Merkin Muffley, or you know, Col. Jack D. Ripper. Anyway I’m kind of stuck with it now. In honor of Peter Sellers, that is.
Fedora Project claims that I’m merely a basic user. That’s a lie! I haven’t used BASIC for decades! I may sue… (but only for an upgrade to Pascal user or maybe COBOL, who knows? OK, COBOL would be a downgrade. Lisp? Haskell? Rexx?)