Which is your favourite distro of choice

  • fedora
  • redhat
  • centos steam
  • arch
  • opensuse
  • suse
  • ubuntu
  • Ubuntu derivative kubuntu and other
  • pop os
  • gentoo or void or linux from scratch.
  • Manjaro endeavour steamos
  • vanilla os
  • ublue
  • ultramarine
  • linux mint
  • redox
  • nixos
  • alpine
  • rocky alma
  • debian and derivatives pureos and other
0 voters

Don’t be biased pick your favourite and tell why.

On my work machine: Debian.
On my Desktop: Fedora

Debian because it’s a point LTS release distro. It works and won’t break unless you start installing/changing things. That is what I need for my workstation. I need to get work done when I get on that machine and not spend time troubleshooting issues.

Fedora on my desktop as it provides a good balance between stability and latest packages. Fedora is more a “rolling release” type distro with updates on a daily basis. Every update has the potential to cause issues or to even break something. On my desktop that would be an inconvenience. On my work machine that would be extremely problematic.

So far I have not encountered any issues with Fedora while going through 20+ updates per day. Still, this is not a risk I’m willing/daring to take with my work machine. Especially unlike with gaming I don’t need the latest packages to get my work done.


I’m using Ubuntu on my work laptop and it’s incredibly stable. Mostly a browser based workflow so very few Snap installs and very little customization. I do like that it’s a LTS and just works every day like it did the day before.

I prefer and love Fedora - using it on my home workstation which is for work and gaming. I like the daily updates I seem to get and knowing I’m getting access to latest drivers and patches for my decent hardware.

I still think Ubuntu is probably “fave” for work - but overall, if picking one (and I voted it) then Fedora.

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I started on Ubuntu with 6.06 from a PC gamer magazine advertising it, and had dozens of their and Kubuntu/spin discs from the free program they had! I handed out a few to friends, but I was also young and used some as street frisbees (maybe someone found em and looked more into it; free advertising :stuck_out_tongue:)

I saw people mentioning Ubuntu not updating packages and noticed FileZilla was a version behind, and started hopping around. Did Arch, Solus, openSUSE, Fedora, and eventually landed on Fedora 20 something.

Switched from Fedora and openSUSE TW a few times over the past few years and recently, but I still prefer Fedora today!

  • I’m used to no containers, command-line stuff, and knowing how to try new stuff isolated and undo it quick if something breaks; as long as Workstation continues to exist with Fedora I’m happy!
  • I’m particularly still interested in openSUSE TW for being rolling-release and from past-experience being less-annoying with webserver daemons (SELinux is good, but it’s too-complex to get right the first time with new/changed stuff and AppArmor on oS doesn’t say anything :stuck_out_tongue: )
  • I’m not sure if Fedora can do anything to replace mainly the last interest, but I’d be all for it! I’m learning more of SELinux over-time any way so I guess eventually that won’t be a concern :stuck_out_tongue:
  • I feel YaST is too-complex to be integrating into the system as a star-feature, and that it doesn’t feel as-integrated as it could be (can’t think of specifics but I can name em by actively using a oS TW session). That’s mainly why I don’t primarily use oS TW.
  • Ubuntu I feel is still the best starter distro and what I’d install to family and anyone’s PC personally! I’m not a fan of the codec-patent-repo-dance :stuck_out_tongue: And (probably) everything worthwhile has support for Ubuntu.
  • Debian was kind of cool in that it was the only distro to install to Vultr’s free 512MB VPS. I’d only use it on specialty devices as a last-resort, but I trust it’ll definitely work if it comes down to that!
  • If I try any other distros out, it’ll likely be Gentoo (compiler opts) and Void (musl), and I’ve heard of NixOS more than a few times that makes it sound interesting.

Last week I would have said Arch, but I hath returned!

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Tells discuss my system use i have one system running alma linux a personal server.

On other it runs redhat.
I use fedora silverblue and workstation on my laptop and desktop.
Thinking to maybe switch to a different distro.
Ubuntu 24.10 specifically
Ultramarine due to fedora but with codes and all stuff installed ultramarine is fedora without restriction.
Ublue os (new but making good distros get a well recognition with a small span of time)
Opensuse Aeon(new distro not yet published now in rc3 i have tried tumbleweed i liked it. It was like arch but not hard to install.

Ended up trying FreeBSD recently with GNOME, didn’t quite like it, went to openSUSE TW Xfce (GNOME issue still happens F40), but kind of missed FreeBSD. Now I’m typing this from FreeBSD 14.1 with Xfce, and with the most basic xfce install it looks more-slick than openSUSE :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m confident most of my hardware works well-enough and core packages exist in the default repos, so I’m thinking after some hours of no-showstopping issues on my laptop I’ll get started on my server. At quick-glance configs look similar-enough but it looks fun to figure out :stuck_out_tongue:

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havent fully found my 100% what i want, but Fedora is close to that. Best and longest time on my distro journey i have been PoPOS! it was good and especially for nvidia optimus systems, but old base like ubuntu LTS and apparmor with no secure boot made me switch.

For now i have running tests on PoPOS! 24.04 LTS with Cosmic and it is good really good and working better than cosmic on arch, openSUSE, but there still is no secure Boot and lots of other stuff i want so i stick on Fedora

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I want to love Fedora. I love the Fedora Project, and I always have my USB ready to install Workstation so I can contribute, but lately, with GNOME 47, I’ve gotten pretty fed up. I’ll probably move back to Debian Xfce (or maybe shudders Ubuntu – I’ve mellowed out in the two or three years (I’ve lost count 0_0) I’ve used Linux full-time and Snap doesn’t really bother me anymore since Ubuntu looks nice OOTB and my main Snap gripe was always ricing-related.)

As for spins… KDE is the only viable alternative that feels like it “fits” the spirit of Fedora, and I don’t like it much anymore. The other spins are fine and I’m glad they exist, but they don’t have the suite of apps or the nice GUI storefront that I exoect from GNOME or KDE. Debian doesn’t need that because everything in the history of ever has been made into a Debian package at some point.

Try out a windows manager, i3 if you like x-windows, Sway if you like Wayland.

They do not come with all the bells and whistles, so all the more fun to be had!

I admire the availability of packages and their freshness in Arch, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to pick packages myself, so Fedora. XD

I’ve never been a fan of tiling window managers. I love GNOME, but 47 made everything huge on my 1366*768 display and I can’t help but feel like they’ll do something short-sighted and counterintuitive like this again soon.

I wouldn’t care about it if there was a way to turn it off.

Could it be fractional scaling? This would disable it:

gsettings set 'org.gnome.mutter' 'experimental-features' '[]'

And to re-set it back if that doesn’t do anything:

gsettings reset 'org.gnome.mutter' 'experimental-features'

F41 beta has two experimental settings iirc.

Gnome is pretty good. I swear by Sway, so I can’t test your scaling issue but I am sure there is a setting or command.

If E742’s advice does not work, you could try
sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks and look under the fonts section (from Enable Fractional Scaling in Fedora with GNOME )
or Reddit - Dive into anything

Have a look around I’m sure you’ll come up with the answer.

I doubt it, but if my Hackintosh breaks, I’ll probably try to use fractional scaling to scale things down

Update: I’m never using a Hackintosh again. Feels good to be back home on Linux.

Difficult question.

First of all, I like rolling releases.

On Arch or in specific EndeavourOS (easy Arch install) I like its AUR and the possibility to easily build packages with makepkg.

Fedora therefore is a bit more stable and secure.

I use both Distros on different devices for different tasks.

By the way: On Github I found “pacstall”. It’s described as an AUR for Ubuntu and derivates. Sounds interesting. Has anyone had any experience with that package manager so far?