What Wayland Compositor for LXQt?

LXQt is working on full Wayland support until version 6.1.

I have the feeling the Fedora infos are a bit outdated, and I am not sure how well maintained the project is. For example yarock and qpdfview are not in the repos anymore.

LXQt should run on any compositor, though I can imagine if you want to configure things via a GUI, only one will be supported well.

There are so many Wayland compositors out there?

The big ones:

  • mutter
  • kwin

But many more (only floating/stacking ones)

  • weston
  • wayfire
  • labwc (openbox successor)
  • dwl (dwm successor)
  • louvre
  • cosmic-comp
  • whatever Cinnamon, XFCE and Budgie will produce

On the tiling side

  • sway
  • hyprland
  • niri
  • river
  • …

I am experimenting currently with LXQt on Wayland.

  • kwin is pulling in tons of KDE stuff
  • wayfire seems to use GTK
  • cosmic-comp is standalone and pretty solid (but recommends cosmic-session which then pulls in everything)

What would be the best in your eyes?

Added cosmic, dwl, wayfire and removed cinnamon, kde

Labwc, because according to latest 2.1.0 LXQt version, “Labwc provides the most stable session”.

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You would think.

But instead, the Fedora people plan on using #miriway, which is from the mir compositor origin with a lot of stuff added.

Not sure how it compares to LabWC, weston or wayfire.
