Upgrading via Discover from F40 -> F41 Failed Offline Update

Hi friends,

I am attempting to upgrade to F41 and am receiving this error and unsure what to do to resolve it.
Post reboot it gets to 14% then boots back into F40 with this error on my discover.

Any information would be appreciated :slight_smile:

package dnf5- cannot be verified and repo updates is GPG enabled: /var/cache/PackageKit/41/metadata/updates-41-x86_64/packages/dnf5- could not be verified.
/var/cache/PackageKit/41/metadata/updates-41-x86_64/packages/dnf5- Verifying a signature using certificate 466CF2D8B60BC3057AA9453ED0622462E99D6AD1 (Fedora (41)  ```

Maybe it is a corrupt file download in your cache? How about if you run sudo dnf clean all to delete all the cached package downloads and then retry?

Hi Gregory,

Attempted this, it deleted 60 files but still after reboot it crashed at 14% with the same error persisting.

Any other ideas?

I’m sure you could just skip the dnf5 package for now. Maybe you are picking up a bad copy from your local mirror and the next version will be OK. I don’t think you can skip packages using the GUI though. You’ll probably need to run something like sudo dnf update --exclude=dnf5. Be sure to reboot immediately after you update.


Seems it’s required, can I force it to be pulled from somewhere else?

 Problem: conflicting requests
  - package dnf5-plugins- from fedora requires dnf5(x86-64) =, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package dnf5-plugins- from updates requires dnf5(x86-64) =, but none of the providers can be installed
  - package dnf5- from fedora is filtered out by exclude filtering
  - package dnf5- from updates is filtered out by exclude filtering

If you exclude dnf5 you should also exclude dnf5-plugins.

Simplest way is to uninstall dnf5 as it is not needed on f40.
Also use dnf (aka dnf4) to do the upgrade not dnf5.

Do you mind giving me instructions on how best to perform this? I am getting quite frustrated now haha

sudo dnf remove dnf5 should work. Then your GUI upgrade might also work.

madison@fedora:~$ sudo dnf remove dnf5
No match for argument: dnf5
No packages marked for removal.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

For what it’s worth, this did not action anything on my end.
Any other ideas?


So it’s not already installed, but it is trying to install as part of the upgrade. That makes sense. Obviously you won’t be able to remove something that isn’t there. :slight_smile:

You’ll have to exclude it as I originally suggested then. Just adding --skip-broken should be enough to prevent it from trying to download any additional package dependencies.

If you want to point to a different mirror, the parameter is --repofrompath=... and then you would have to specify the full URL to the right subdirectory on the server you want to download from.

From the man page:

              Specify a repository to add to the repositories only for this run. Can be used multiple times.

              The new repository id is specified by REPO_ID and its baseurl by REPO_PATH. Variables in both values are substituted before creating the repo.

              The configuration of the new repository can be adjusted using options --setopt=REPO_ID.option=value.

              If you want only packages from this repository to be available, combine this option with --repo=REPO_ID switch.

So be sure to also use --repo=... if you want to force another mirror and be sure it doesn’t use any other mirror. (Or just use --skip-broken which would be much easier.)