This process should indeed update you to the current beta.
From that point, regular updates should continue on to the final release with no further special intervention. However, there is a small chance that something we discover during the beta will require some intervention — it’s a beta after all. But we try to avoid that as best we can.
Thanks @mattdm so much for confirming. I am using the computer for office tasks, word prompt, scanning, skype, etc. So I depend on it and I know its highly advised not to generally use the beta for your “daily driver”.
But I found the fedora betas rock solid with very few bugs once they pass alpha (rawhide) stage (so happy to take the risk),
How can I get an idea on the current bugs for the beta version being worked on and log bugs if I find any
That list is dynamic. All depends on which bugs get found. Also remember, not every bug is a bug that is classified as release blocking bug. So, there is many more bugs out there than what you see on that list.
Use to report bugs, where you can login using your fedora account.
You need to remove either gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-1:1.22.0-1.fc38.x86_64or gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free-1.22.1-2.fc38.x86_64 before the upgrade. Those two can’t co-exist without conflict.
[root@fedora benji]# dnf remove gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-1:1.22.0-1.fc38.x86_64
No match for argument: gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-1:1.22.0-1.fc38.x86_64
No packages marked for removal.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
The blocker list (and proposed blocker list), along with Common Issues tagged f38 should show a lot of the important ones we’ve identified so far. But the full list is in bugzilla.
If you find an issue, you can try and find an existing report in bugzilla. You can also file a new one, but I actually recommend posting here (in #ask:english), which will help make a better report because we can make sure we understand the problem, see if other people are seeing the same, etc., before filing.