I heard recently that I could use an Nvidia GPU (in this case a GT 1030) as a PhysX Processing Unit alongside my AMD RX 7800XT primary GPU. I also heard that Nvidia has good driver support on Linux now so I did a bit of Googling and downloaded a driver installer from Nvidia which, upon running, said something about “gcc” not being present. Rather than delve into something I don’t understand at all I went with the RPM option which appeared to install an Nvidia driver but Borderlands 2 didn’t light up the PhysX option.
Having failed to get the desired outcome I ran the uninstall command provided on the RPM how-to page and it looks like I’m back to the Nouveau driver? Which also doesn’t appear to do PhysX stuff. Running the Nvidia installer in this state doesn’t complain about “gcc”, does complain about Nouveau and says it should disable it, then says it can’t do kernel checks and can’t install anyway.
I’m lost, confused, may or may not have broken something(?) and can probably be labelled “an idiot” pretty safely, can someone help please?
You failed to uninstall the nvidia driver that was installed with the .run file before attempting to install the driver from rpmfusion.
You also only show the bash history so we can see the commands but cannot see any of the results, which would be done by copy & paste from the screen. Formatting remains as seen on-screen if you use the preformatted text </> button at the top of the text entry screen
sudo sh NVIDIA-linux-x86_64-570.124.04.run --uninstall
dnf repolist
As long as the result of step 2 shows the rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver or the rpmfusion-nonfree-updates repo in the listing then continue with step 3
sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda
Step 3 should install all the required packages/dependencies for the driver
Wait at least 5 minutes after installing the driver packages before you reboot. This allows time for the driver module to be compiled and installed.
cat /etc/default/grub and cat /etc/kernel/cmdline now should show the following as part of the options. rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau modprobe.blacklist=nouveau
If that does not appear then the install of the drivers from rpmfusion apparently did not properly complete.
modinfo nvidia should show something like this at the beginning.
I do not use Physx so cannot provide first hand advice. My experience is with the nvidia drivers and these steps have worked flawlessly for me and many others.
A quick search for Physx for linux revealed this
Is that the guide you used for installing it?
When the drivers are installed from rpmfusion and steam is installed from rpmfusion then physx should just work.
I have not tested it.
I see, thank you for your advice thusfar and sorry for the long post coming.
When I run sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-570.124.04.run --uninstall (I don’t have 570.124.16.run) it tells me “There is no NVIDIA driver currently installed”.
I did a little googling of my own and found a Reddit thread from ten years ago saying that the PhysX version in Borderlands 2 pre-dates the Linux PhysX version, another post suggested that the Metro Redux games are compatible so I’m going to try one of those.
Edit: Just making sure I’ve installed this driver correctly and hopefully not broken anything is a great help.
Edit 2: Metro Last Light Redux allows me to enable “Advanced PhysX”.
The info you provided appears to show the nvidia driver is properly installed and functioning.
Was steam installed from rpmfusion?
The guide I linked appears to be relatively current (March 2022), but the physx software appears to have a release date of 2010.08.11 and the file is a windows .exe file.
I wonder if it is even relevant for an OS that is linux and current in 2025 (15 years newer). It also states it functions for cuda 3.0 while the current cuda with nvidia driver 570.124.04 is version 12.8