is unendingly running and at the top of my resource (CPU) usage at every boot. I’ve tried to find what the problem is online, but the only things I see are how to disable it completely. I do not want to disable it completely. I want it to work as intended without making my laptop go brrrrrrrrrr.
Some Output Error
Again, can’t find much info online about this stuff.
tracker3 daemon -f
17 Mar 2023, 14:51:19: ✗ RSS/ATOM Feeds - Not running or is a disabled plugin
(tracker daemon:5283): Tracker-CRITICAL **: 14:51:44.457: Could not get miner progress for 'org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files': Timeout was reached
Could not get status from miner: org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.FilesPress Ctrl+C to stop