I had a problem with the thumbnails not being generated for an H.265 video. After removing totem.thumbnailer from /usr/share/thumbnailers, sure enough, the thumbnail was generated just fine. I thought to try and use Totem to play the video, and I get this:
The thing is that I do have the decoder installed, and I can play this same video just fine in MPV.
I then found a bug report that seems to be about the same issue, but the ticket got bounced around and then forgotten about. Reading that ticket, I don’t really understand where exactly the problem lies and where I should open a new ticket. Is this a problem with Totem itself? GNOME Software? Packagekit? RPM Fusion? What is the right place for this?
Totem uses Gstreamer for video codecs, mpv doesn’t. So it is normal for mpv to play a video while Totem can’t play the same video. Do you have gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free package installed?
This is a bit late, but I ran into this exact issue. And since I have 2 F39 boxes, and it worked on one but not the other, it turned out to have nothing to do with installed packages.
I had to remove the gstreamer cache file for gstreamer to pick up I had libav installed: