Tip: Upgrading Fedora and check NVIDIA kernel modules


A number of times people using the proprietary NVIDIA drivers have posted about the background job running after a kernel upgrade, and had issues if rebooting too soon. I am one of them :smile:

To make sure I remember to check this, I have defined an alias to do a full upgrade of Fedora (both dnf and Flatpak):

alias fedupgrade='sudo dnf upgrade --refresh && flatpak update && systemctl list-jobs'

The flatpak command updates system packages, as my user is in the wheel group.

If the upgrade process includes a kernel upgrade the last output will show that there are running background jobs:

JOB  UNIT                                  TYPE  STATE  
8930 akmods@6.10.5-200.fc40.x86_64.service start running

1 jobs listed.

This can then be run again to check if the job is finished:

~ ❯ systemctl list-jobs
JOB  UNIT                                  TYPE  STATE  
8930 akmods@6.10.5-200.fc40.x86_64.service start running

1 jobs listed.

And when done it simply shows:

~ ❯ systemctl list-jobs
No jobs running.

Then I can safely reboot an enjoy the new kernel :slight_smile:



To make the alias permanent, it should be placed in a file within the ~/bashrc.d/ directory.