Systemd Services issue when running Fedora on VMWare

Hello there,
I am running Fedora 41 on VMWare and it is working fine, but enabled systemd services are not quite running as expected. I can not be sure where the issue is, but services like Firewalld, tuned, user@990 are not starting, and I manually start them.

8:30 AM
Failed to start tuned.service - Dynamic System Tuning Daemon.
8:30 AM
tuned.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
8:30 AM
tuned.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
8:29 AM
Starting tuned.service - Dynamic System Tuning Daemon...


8:30 AM
Failed to start user@990.service - User Manager for UID 990.
8:30 AM
user@990.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
8:30 AM
Reached target - Exit the Session.
8:30 AM
Finished systemd-exit.service - Exit the Session.
8:30 AM
Reached target - Shutdown.
8:30 AM
Activating special unit
8:30 AM
Queued start job for default target
8:30 AM
user@990.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
8:30 AM
Starting user@990.service - User Manager for UID 990...
8:30 AM
pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=990) by sddm(uid=0)

Is there any way to resolve this issue?

My guess is tha tuned cannot access some kernel debive that it needs.
You may need to just systemctl mask tuned to prevent the error, but lose the power management.

But the issue is, it is not predictable at all, on the next restart tune or other services might start and others might not start.

Ok. In that case I would compare system journal logs between the successful and unsuccessful boots.

Thanks that would be a good idea, but I couldn’t find a detailed reason behind the failure, here is the screenshot from the cockpit for firewall daemon

Please post as preformatted text not screen shots.
Use the command line journalctl to see the logs not a gui that is too hard for us to see the output of and quote from.

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Ok then, here is journalctl output for tuned service

journalctl -xeu tuned.service
Feb 25 08:00:14 fedora systemd[1]: Starting tuned.service - Dynamic System Tuning Daemon...
β–‘β–‘ Subject: A start job for unit tuned.service has begun execution
β–‘β–‘ Defined-By: systemd
β–‘β–‘ Support:
β–‘β–‘ A start job for unit tuned.service has begun execution.
β–‘β–‘ The job identifier is 300.
Feb 25 08:00:32 fedora systemd[1]: tuned.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
Feb 25 08:00:50 fedora systemd[1]: tuned.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
β–‘β–‘ Subject: Unit failed
β–‘β–‘ Defined-By: systemd
β–‘β–‘ Support:
β–‘β–‘ The unit tuned.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'timeout'.
Feb 25 08:00:50 fedora systemd[1]: Failed to start tuned.service - Dynamic System Tuning Daemon.
β–‘β–‘ Subject: A start job for unit tuned.service has failed
β–‘β–‘ Defined-By: systemd
β–‘β–‘ Support:
β–‘β–‘ A start job for unit tuned.service has finished with a failure.
β–‘β–‘ The job identifier is 300 and the job result is failed.

and this is the full log from the current boot, I have multiple β€œfailed” messages while starting some services

When it fails look in the full log for messafes from the time the service is started. Do not restrict the search to tuned only. It might be a log for something else.

I have shared the full boot log from the current boot, I found this

eb 25 07:43:27 fedora avahi-daemon[1076]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface ens160.IPv6 with address fe80::4ff1:4d0d:60d4:7ce1.
Feb 25 07:43:09 fedora NetworkManager[1204]: <info>  [1740458589.2833] policy: set 'Wired connection 1' (ens160) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS
Feb 25 07:43:27 fedora avahi-daemon[1076]: New relevant interface ens160.IPv6 for mDNS.
Feb 25 07:43:09 fedora systemd-resolved[1034]: ens160: Bus client set default route setting: yes
Feb 25 07:43:27 fedora avahi-daemon[1076]: Registering new address record for fe80::4ff1:4d0d:60d4:7ce1 on ens160.*.
Feb 25 07:43:09 fedora systemd-resolved[1034]: ens160: Bus client set DNS server list to:
Feb 25 07:43:27 fedora NetworkManager[1204]: <warn>  [1740458607.0165] dns-mgr: update-pending changed: DNS plugin did not become ready again. Assume something is wrong
Feb 25 07:43:27 fedora mariadb-check-socket[1250]: Socket file /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock exists.
Feb 25 07:43:27 fedora systemd[1]: Started tuned.service - Dynamic System Tuning Daemon.

I am suspecting there is an issue with NetworkManager specifically with DNS, I will check that

As I suspected there was a DNS problem, I removed the dnsmasq package and everything started working correctly.