I have this problem of some apps windows go beyond the computer screen when they start. Both of the apps i have experienced this problem with are flatpak apps.
This is how the Element app windows appear when it starts:
I don’t have this issue with Flatpaks on KDE. I’m running an X11 session, are you on Wayland? Do you have any non default config like fractional scaling?
No everything is default, i just installed fedora from a couple of days. I think it’s a problem in Wayland, will try to switch to X11 and see what happens.
Logout from the current session, in the bottom left of SDDM login screen there must be an option: Plasma session (Wayland). Click on it, select X11 and then login again.
This worked for Gittyup but not element. Element crashed while doing the tweak above. Also i think you will have to do this for every app that has this behavior.
I think what you wrote and i marked as an answer is the better solution right now. Using X11 is better to do for most people i think. It’s just my choice to use wayland and do this window tweak i mentioned above, cuz wayland is faster.
A bit off topic, how are you tolerating the Wayland session? It is pretty annoying in my experience, kinda laggy and the window activation issue annoys me too much.
For me it hasn’t caused any problems other than the one i mentioned above. In some parts it’s faster, like when locking the screen, it’s faster than x11. If i experience more problems with wayland, i will change back to x11.