First you need to get the IPs where those services provide the DNS.
And since you’re not mention which DE, I’m assuming it’s Gnome therefore:
Open Settings
Go to Network
Select the network device you want to modify (Wired or wireless), click on the gearwheel
Select IPv4
Disable automatic DNS
Input your desired DNS
Click Apply
Of course you can do it via CLI too:
Get the network profiles: `nmcli connection show`
Identify the profile you want to modify
Change the DNS: nmcli con mod <network_profile> ipv4.dns ""
I had to change it for the actual device, not the connection since I want it on all WiFi connections, but it doesn’t work permanently, restarting the service/rebooting makes it use DHCP again.
Also the DNS I am trying to use ( supports TLS, but it doesn’t use it and setting DNSOverTLS=yes in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf breaks my connection, I can connect to the router, but web requests don’t come thru (even without changing the DNS, my router is already set to use quad9) I am mildly annoyed as this worked without fuss on Arch
There is exactly 1 connection per device on any given computer:
nmcli connection show
This command will list all (networking hardware) DEVICES (if they are enabled, and not in airplane mode) and show their corresponding CONNECTION (i.e. Name, UUID, TYPE, and DEVICE, of course). There may be virtual connections shown, too, if you use a VPN or other DNS manager methods (e.g. unbound, or dnsmasq, or dnscrypt-proxy).
So you would have to set DNS for your WIFI DEVICE only once, on any machine.
/etc/systemd/resolved.conf should not be edited manually, as it is automatically created during installl and updates.
So this: nmcli con mod <WiFi UUID> ipv4.dns "..." affects all WiFi connections? Because I thought it only modifies this one connection, that’s why I used nmcli dev mod <DEVICE> ...…
I found the magic word that fixed everything: ipv4.ignore-auto-dns I have set my DNS and this setting for the connection and the device since it doesn’t seem to cause any problems, and enabling DoT and DNSSEC in resolved.conf now works as expected.