Run application with dedicated GPU


I am trying to run specific apps (like Firefox, Steam) with dedicated AMD GPU .

For instance, for Steam I tried running the game with following params and it shows it uses integrated GPU


I have found 2 options:

  1. Use PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true in *.desktop file. However, according to this
PrefersNonDefaultGPU is broken by design, intended to mean "Use the Discrete GPU if possible" but instead generalized to mean "Use anything that we aren't using by default" which, on full tower setups, may very well be the the integrated GPU.
  1. Using DRI_PRIME=1 in /etc/environment.

However it says that everything will run on dedicated GPU, which sounds not good.

What is good way to run with dedicated AMD GPU?

Thank you.


  1. It seems the issue is only with external monitor - when connected the Fedora does not use dGPU…