Remove software suddenly

Hi guys
I have installed some software and utility ( putty, filezilla, packet tracer, lolcat). They are working very fine but after some days first packet tracer and lolcat removed suddenly, and today when i want to working with putty and filezilla i see they are removed too. But it’s a question to me why the software itself is removed?
I using fedora 29 and sorry for my bad english.

How did you install those applications, did you used “dnf install putty” or how did you install them?

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I used dnf install for putty, filezilla and gem install for lolcat and i installed packet tracer by rpm package

if you installed using dnf tools should be in the drive unless you having a hdd issue.

What this command says?
sudo dnf history | head

Maybe they are still installed, but icons are gone for some reason?
What, for instance, this command says?
whereis filezilla

Output of sudo dnf history | head:

ID     | Command line             | Date and time    | Action(s)      | Altered
    91 | install filezilla        | 2019-05-09 22:23 | Install        |    3   
    90 | install putty            | 2019-05-09 22:20 | Install        |    1   
    89 | install mongodb mongodb- | 2019-05-09 14:39 | Install        |    5   
    88 | remove mongodb mongodb-s | 2019-05-09 14:29 | Removed        |    5   
    87 | install mysql-workbench  | 2019-05-09 14:24 | Install        |    1 E<
    86 | install zlib-devel ncurs | 2019-05-08 16:31 | Install        |    3 > 
    85 | install docker-ce docker | 2019-05-08 15:41 | Install        |    5 EE
    84 | install proxychains-ng   | 2019-05-08 15:21 | Install        |    1

(This output can’t help me or other because i wrote a script that every two days, history will be reset).
I used whereis command but it show nothing and I’m sure they are removed suddenly and completely.

So, there is not /usr/bin/filezilla on your system? Weird. :thinking:
(This is to exclude that it is not a PATH problem).

In addition, just to have more informations, what about, for instance, to look at the list of installed RPMs?
rpm -q filezilla
Isn’t filezilla installed?

I mean, there is something other than DNF that removes the installed packages. But I can’t imagine what.

Have you looked in the logs? Viewing logs in Fedora :: Fedora Docs
Try to search for PackageKit

Yes when filezilla and other software removed, whereis command show nothing.
i installed filezilla again and rpm -q filezilla show it is installed. Thanks for the link you send i will read it and search about packageKit.

Sorry if I make obvious questions :blush: When filezilla is installed, the whereis command shows the executable path, right?

Find the binary, source code and man page for specified program or command.