I am running Fedora Silverblue 38.20230923.0. I want the device to be headless. I have configured SSH, but I also need to use the GUI from time to time, so I need to enable RDP. I went into the Settings Sharing, and enabled Remote Desktop and Remote Control.
I can only RDP onto the device when I am logged in locally on the device. As soon as the screen locks, I am kicked out, and not allowed back in. This is weird, but apparently as designed. Is there any easy way to just allow RDP to work normally on a headless device?
Reading forum posts for Fedora, it seems like I need to install xrdp. But sudo apt does not work on silverblue. Is this something that I must install using rpm-ostree? Last time I installed anything with rpm-ostree, it locked me out of rebasing the OS to 38, so I am trying to avoid that where possible.
I am still learning linux, and Fedora, and the Silverblue version, so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
I also searched for this some time ago, though mine was fully headless (no monitor or plug). Seems that headless session is not supported yet. Not sure if these are relevant:
p.s. The issue preview is wrong and shows both as #90 for some reason…
At my former work, everyone was issued a Windows laptop with an “enterprise” image. Some users worked with applications on an enterprise datacenter cloud. RDP was available, but so laggy as to be useless, so web-based remote access (Jupyter, Rstudio, etc.) were more effective.