I run the following line in order to check the security status on my computer.
sudo fwupdmgr security
All groups indicators in HSI-1, HSI-2, HSI-3 and HSI-4 are in green color, except the following two:
In HSI-2, the indicator IOMMU has status: Not found.
In HSI-4, the indicator Encrypted RAM has status: Not supported
In regard to the encrypted RAM, I was able to read that it is due to the hardware. However, the IOMMU have to be working. Based on the information available, it seems that IOMMU is somehow related to turning on of the Virtualization settings in the BIOS and the corresponding DMA protection settings. All of those have been activated by default in the BIOS, and I would like to ask you for advice. Could you please suggest me how to fix this issue with IOMMU? I run Fedora 41 Workstation on a recently bought Dell laptop. Many thanks! Cheers!
I just tried that command on a couple of my PCs. One of them suggested adding iommu=force on the kernel command line:
║ Configuration Change Suggested: IOMMU Protection ║
║ IOMMU Protection prevents connected devices from accessing unauthorized ║
║ parts of system memory. ║
║ ║
║ This tool can add a kernel argument of 'iommu=force', but it will only be ║
║ active after restarting the computer. ║
║ ║
║ You should ensure you are comfortable restoring the setting from a recovery ║
║ or installation disk, as this change may cause the system to not boot into ║
║ Linux or cause other system instability. ║