Opt-in / Opt-Out? A breakout topic for the F40 Change Request on Privacy-preserving telemetry for Fedora Workstation

Let me understand what you are saying here, because I may be missing something. In the proposal you state

A new metrics collection setting will be added to the privacy page in gnome-initial-setup and also to the privacy page in gnome-control-center. This setting will be a toggle that will enable or disable metrics collection for the entire system.

So I assume there will be a single toggle for both collection and upload. You also say

Unlike gnome-initial-setup, the switch in gnome-control-center will default to off if the user has not seen the switch in gnome-initial-setup and has not previously selected a value for the setting.

Since you don’t have a mechanism for opting in or out during upgrade, collection is on by default, but upload is off by default. From this I desume that, after upgrading, the toggle will be off, while the system will locally collect data but not upload any. Thus I will need explicit instructions on how to stop collection and delete the data. Of course, toggling the setting on and off to disable both is not acceptable, since this will trigger a data upload before putting everything back to rest and clean up all data (which I assume it will do, right? Will it delete all data?)

All of the above is, unless there are actually two toggles, one for collection and one for upload, so that I can just untoggle the first. If this is so, it wasn’t clear to me from the proposal, and it could be satisfactory “enough” (read: if the proposal passes as-is – which I’m not happy with – I’d still rather collection be plainly off, but if not at least we are approaching a usable solution).

As for this

I’ll answer after getting a clearer idea of the toggle situation above.