Opt-in / Opt-Out? A breakout topic for the F40 Change Request on Privacy-preserving telemetry for Fedora Workstation

I am also just a user, I know this thread is long but hoping to contribute to the conversation a bit.

I am personally okay with telemetry IF it is either exclusively opt-in with the default being off, or opt-in with no assumed choice (both options presented, up to the user to explicitly select something).

Anything else and the intention is to clearly get more data simply because someone was rushing through the install process.

In my view consent in this context should be:

  • “Hey, we are trying to collect some anonymous usage data to make Fedora / RHEL better for all, do you want this”
  • Explicit button with “Yes”, explicit button with “No”. Both are given equal weight and visual importance.
  • If no, the telemetry package is not installed at all.
  • If yes, package installed and option enabled.

Assuming “yes” is not explicit consent no matter the level of detail given.

For the record, I would most likely click “Yes” if the data collected seemed reasonable, as I trust Fedora (otherwise I wouldn’t be using it as an OS). I have enabled telemetry for services I trust and care about, as long as it is clearly outlined what will be collected, and from an organization I trust already.