I am a newcomer to the Linux world and I’m trying to address an issue with installing Nvidia drivers on my Asus TUF Gaming F15 FX506LH laptop, running Fedora 38 Workstation. I have spent a significant amount of time searching for solutions online, but have yet to find a fully satisfactory answer.
I’ve attempted two methods for installing Nvidia drivers: through GNOME Software and manually via the terminal, following recommendations from various sources. However, after both attempts, upon system boot, I am still encountering the error “Nvidia kernel module missing, falling back to nouveau”.
It’s worth noting that during these installation attempts, I might have installed unnecessary packages, as my experience with Linux is still limited.
If you have any advice that could help me resolve this issue, and if you could provide specific instructions considering my laptop model, I would greatly appreciate your support.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[romka@fedora ~]$ nvidia-smi
bash: nvidia-smi: command not found...
Packages providing this file are:
[romka@fedora ~]$ neofetch
.',;::::;,'. romka@fedora
.';:cccccccccccc:;,. ------------
.;cccccccccccccccccccccc;. OS: Fedora Linux 38 (Workstation Editi
.:cccccccccccccccccccccccccc:. Host: ASUS TUF Gaming F15 FX506LH_FX50
.;ccccccccccccc;.:dddl:.;ccccccc;. Kernel: 6.4.12-200.fc38.x86_64
.:ccccccccccccc;OWMKOOXMWd;ccccccc:. Uptime: 28 mins
.:ccccccccccccc;KMMc;cc;xMMc:ccccccc:. Packages: 1720 (rpm), 13 (flatpak)
,cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cc;;WW::cccccccc, Shell: bash 5.2.15
:cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc: Resolution: 1920x1080
:ccccccc;oxOOOo;MMM0OOk.;cccccccccccc: DE: GNOME 44.4
cccccc:0MMKxdd:;MMMkddc.;cccccccccccc; WM: Mutter
ccccc:XM0';cccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc' WM Theme: Adwaita
ccccc;MMo;ccccc;MMW.;ccccccccccccccc; Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
ccccc;0MNc.ccc.xMMd:ccccccccccccccc; Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
cccccc;dNMWXXXWM0::cccccccccccccc:, Terminal: gnome-terminal
cccccccc;.:odl:.;cccccccccccccc:,. CPU: Intel i5-10300H (8) @ 4.500GHz
:cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc:'. GPU: Intel CometLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphi
.:cccccccccccccccccccccc:;,.. Memory: 1992MiB / 7763MiB