A bit of a quandary -
Example - I have a few Fedora 41 boxes Xfce amd server on which I would like to check whether my cronjobs. did what they were supposed to do. It works for now.
I do use crontab -e but have MAILTO= within cron disabled due to all the X-headers.
Workflow -
As I am not usually sitting in front of the PCs.
My cronjobs create files which msmtp send to my receiving email account.
The crons run during the day, cronjobs are also used to send out the emails in the evening.
Which I can access either on my phone or PC (which itself sends it´s output to email.)
I have never got mail/mailx/s-nail to work properly, due to my lack of knowledge,
despite search engines. So at the moment they are not installed.
I am hoping to go the next step and be able to encrypt the body of the email,
but how to do it, if it also contains the Subject?
Example -
# Use cp to backup modified files to server.
# Include Subject for emailing.
echo 'Subject:CS01' && \
echo ' cp -arfuv /path/to/keep/this /over/here'...
...and so on for which dozen or so individual files are needed.
To be able to encrypt the body and decrypt it using an email client on the other end.
If someone think s-nails etc… are a better fit.
I have no problem testing, but have never had luck so far.