When I access resources on my local domain (by hostname), my Fedora 40 laptop will try for a long time (sometimes minutes) to resolve a AAAA record for the resource. It will eventually fall back to IPv4 and work fine. I have IPv6 disabled in the WiFi settings for the network I am connected to. I see these delays in both SSH and web requests (Firefox).
In Firefox in “about:config” there is a flag called “network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains”.
For the ssh command you have the “-4” option.
Thanks for those. Seems like it shouldn’t be waiting so long to try IPv4, though. They should be resolved simultaneously (as it is in MacOS and Windows), or not at all since IPv6 is disabled on the NIC. Or at the very least not sending dozens of queries before trying IPv4.
Is this an expected behavior?
Slight side note, adding the entries in the Firefox config do work, but it seems I have to add every “shortname” that I want to use, unless I type out the whole FQDN in the browser.
It is when the dns server does not respond. If it would indicate that it has no AAAA record it should respond accordingly; that is, a response with an empty list of addresses.