Libva error in virt manager

Running Virtual machine Manager on Fedora 38. The following error appears in VM. Same happens in Boxes. Same in all the different VM Distros I’ve tried.

Anyone able to pin point how to resolve it?

libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)] dri3 extension not supported.


We know nothing about any specifics so are unable to assist in any way.
What are you doing when those errors occur.?
What fedora spin are you using? Workstation with gnome? Something else?
When do those errors appear? During the creation of the VM? When installing an OS into the VM? After installation and when running? What OS is being installed?
Is your host fully updated with dnf upgrade --refresh?

With more info we might be able to assist, but with no details assistance is not possible.