I have upgraded two devices to use Fedora 40. My Kinoite install and a fresh install of a regular Fedora KDE spin. KDE connect is not able to find devices. The fedora 39 Kinoite version was able to connect just fine. Does someone know what’s up?
I had kdeconnect working under f39 kde and after upgrade to f40 everythings still works.
Is your device still paired with the computer?
Interesting! Kinoite was still paired, but not able to connect anymore (after switching to 40). After disconnect (trying to set up device again) the device didn’t show up. Fresh install no devices to select from
Maybe an issue with the bluetooth hardware with the latest kernel?
I am not familiar with debugging bluetooth.
You could look at dmesg for errors.
I am sorry… Seems like I wasted your time. It seems like it’s just a misconfiguration of my wifi extender. Nothing wrong with Fedora or Kde Connect. After the upgrade to F40 and reboot networkmanager picked another source for the wifi signal (same SSID though).
Interesting, so that must mean that kdeconnect is using TCP/IP to transfer files etc.
But uses the bluetooth pairing to know what TCP ports etc to use I guess.