I have a laptop with 16GB of ram, most just using music, videos, and browsing the web. Sometimes on Firefox I’ll have a dozen or more tabs open and most websites I visit aren’t super draining. But when I open up say 15 or more tabs on Youtube (they haven’t loaded yet, and autoplay is disabled), I see under System Monitor that my system is starting to use up it’s swap memory. I was just wondering if there was a way to increase the limit or threshold that Fedora will start using swap? I don’t usually go passed 40-50% of my 16GB of ram used, yet sometimes Fedora will tap into the swap memory. I’d like to increase it if I can (safely of course), but I don’t know if there is a way to do this easily or no? Appreciate any help, thank you.
Below is a screenshot, when I have 15 YouTube tabs open, and my system starts to eat up in Swap memory. I’d rather my system didn’t do this so soon when I have only used 45% of my ram at the time.
Edit: Ideally, I’d like Fedora not to use my Swap unless my system is literally about to freeze or something.