Removing unnecessary packages is good for reducing disk usage and potential problems, but I also remember reading somewhere that dnf autoremove
could sometimes uninstall dependencies of other packages.
Is there a consensus on the safety of dnf autoremove
On my system, it proposes removing the following packages. If I can safely remove them, that’s great, but if will create headaches, I’ll just keep them.
$ sudo dnf autoremove
Dependencies resolved.
Package Arch Version Repository Size
GeoIP x86_64 1.6.12-6.fc31 @fedora 359 k
GeoIP-GeoLite-data noarch 2018.06-4.fc31 @fedora 1.2 M
ORBit2 x86_64 2.14.19-22.fc31 @fedora 629 k
PackageKit-gtk3-module x86_64 1.1.12-11.fc31 @fedora 39 k
celt051 x86_64 @fedora 138 k
ck x86_64 0.6.0-10.fc31 @fedora 53 k
clang5.0-libs x86_64 5.0.1-6.fc30 @fedora 70 M
dcraw x86_64 9.28.0-6.fc31 @fedora 559 k
ebtables-compat x86_64 2.0.10-37.fc31 @fedora 0
ebtables-services x86_64 2.0.10-37.fc31 @fedora 2.4 k
efivar x86_64 37-1.fc30 @fedora 52 k
espeak x86_64 1.48.04-16.fc31 @fedora 2.4 M
f27-backgrounds-base noarch 27.0.1-6.fc31 @fedora 23 M
f27-backgrounds-mate noarch 27.0.1-6.fc31 @fedora 311
faac x86_64 @rpmfusion-nonfree 226 k
firebird x86_64 @updates 16 M
firebird-utils x86_64 @updates 4.4 M
ftgl x86_64 2.1.3-0.21.rc5.fc31 @fedora 436 k
fwupdate-efi x86_64 11-4.fc29 @fedora 140 k
fwupdate-libs x86_64 11-4.fc29 @fedora 64 k
glade-libs x86_64 3.22.1-5.fc31 @fedora 2.1 M
gstreamer-plugins-good x86_64 0.10.31-20.fc27 @anaconda 5.0 M
gtkglext-libs x86_64 1.2.0-35.fc31 @fedora 568 k
gtksourceview2 x86_64 2.11.2-30.fc31 @fedora 3.4 M
gtkspell3 x86_64 3.0.10-4.fc31 @fedora 122 k
kf5-kactivities x86_64 5.61.0-1.fc31 @fedora 600 k
kf5-kdeclarative x86_64 5.61.0-2.fc31 @fedora 1.2 M
kf5-kpackage x86_64 5.61.0-1.fc31 @fedora 867 k
kf5-kwayland x86_64 5.61.0-2.fc31 @fedora 2.4 M
kf5-plasma x86_64 5.61.0-1.fc31 @fedora 7.7 M
libIDL x86_64 0.8.14-20.fc31 @fedora 215 k
libXxf86misc x86_64 1.0.4-5.fc31 @fedora 35 k
libbonobo x86_64 2.32.1-17.fc31 @fedora 2.0 M
libdnet x86_64 1.12-31.fc31 @fedora 83 k
libdwarf x86_64 20191002-1.fc31 @fedora 557 k
libechonest x86_64 2.3.0-11.fc31 @fedora 546 k
libfbclient2 x86_64 @updates 2.2 M
libglade2 x86_64 2.6.4-21.fc31 @fedora 165 k
libgnome x86_64 2.32.1-19.fc31 @fedora 4.5 M
libib-util x86_64 @updates 15 k
liblogging-stdlog x86_64 1.0.6-7.fc31 @fedora 34 k
libmimic x86_64 1.0.4-15.fc31 @rpmfusion-free 85 k
libopenraw x86_64 0.1.3-6.fc31 @fedora 727 k
libqxt x86_64 0.6.2-16 @rpmsphere 2.7 M
libspiro x86_64 20150131-11.fc31 @fedora 74 k
libtommath x86_64 1.0.1-10.fc31 @fedora 98 k
libuuid-devel x86_64 2.34-3.fc31 @fedora 18 k
llvm5.0-libs x86_64 5.0.1-10.fc31 @fedora 67 M
minizip x86_64 2.8.9-2.fc31 @fedora 300 k
mozjs52 x86_64 52.9.0-5.fc31 @fedora 26 M
munge x86_64 0.5.13-4.fc31 @fedora 293 k
nss-pem x86_64 1.0.5-2.fc31 @fedora 401 k
opencc x86_64 1.0.5-5.fc31 @fedora 5.1 M
pangox-compat x86_64 0.0.2-15.fc31 @fedora 171 k
pcre i686 8.43-2.fc31.1 @fedora 532 k
phonon-qt5 x86_64 4.10.2-3.fc31 @fedora 1.0 M
x86_64 2:4.9.1-1.fc31 @fedora 596 k
plymouth-theme-charge x86_64 0.9.4-11.20191022git32c097c.fc31
@updates 3.5 k
pygtk2-libglade x86_64 2.24.0-27.fc31 @updates 33 k
noarch @fedora 18 k
python2-chardet noarch 3.0.4-10.fc31 @fedora 906 k
python2-cssselect noarch 0.9.2-11.fc31 @fedora 158 k
python2-gstreamer x86_64 0.10.22-21.fc31 @fedora 1.4 M
python2-html5lib noarch 1:1.0.1-4.fc31 @fedora 1.2 M
python2-idna noarch 2.8-2.fc31 @fedora 621 k
python2-ipaddr noarch 2.1.10-12.fc30 @fedora 197 k
python2-ipaddress noarch 1.0.18-7.fc31 @fedora 228 k
python2-joblib noarch 0.11-6.fc29 @fedora 2.1 M
python2-libuser x86_64 0.62-21.fc31 @fedora 75 k
python2-libxml2 x86_64 2.9.10-1.fc31 @updates 1.4 M
python2-nose noarch 1.3.7-24.fc31 @fedora 1.1 M
python2-pygpgme x86_64 0.3-26.fc28 @fedora 305 k
python2-pysocks noarch 1.7.0-2.fc31 @fedora 92 k
python2-requests noarch 2.22.0-3.fc31 @fedora 397 k
python2-rpm x86_64 4.15.1-1.fc31 @updates 187 k
python2-setproctitle x86_64 1.1.10-12.fc30 @fedora 43 k
python2-urllib3 noarch 1.25.7-1.fc31 @updates 695 k
python2-webencodings noarch 0.5.1-8.fc31 @fedora 80 k
python3-IPy noarch 0.81-27.fc31 @fedora 123 k
python3-argh noarch 0.26.1-13.fc31 @fedora 170 k
python3-asn1crypto noarch 0.24.0-7.fc31 @fedora 854 k
python3-bind noarch 32:9.11.13-2.fc31 @updates 182 k
python3-cffi x86_64 1.12.3-1.fc31 @fedora 1.0 M
python3-coverage x86_64 4.5.4-2.fc31 @fedora 955 k
python3-cryptography x86_64 2.6.1-3.fc31 @updates 2.7 M
python3-cssselect noarch 0.9.2-11.fc31 @fedora 141 k
python3-dmidecode x86_64 3.12.2-16.fc31 @fedora 280 k
python3-html5lib noarch 1:1.0.1-4.fc31 @fedora 1.1 M
python3-iniparse noarch 0.4-34.fc31 @fedora 106 k
python3-librepo x86_64 1.11.0-1.fc31 @updates 177 k
python3-ply noarch 3.11-3.fc31 @fedora 430 k
python3-pyOpenSSL noarch 19.0.0-2.fc31 @fedora 546 k
python3-pyaudio x86_64 0.2.11-4.fc31 @fedora 119 k
python3-pycparser noarch 2.14-20.fc31 @fedora 850 k
python3-sh noarch 1.12.14-13.fc31 @fedora 212 k
python3-smartcols x86_64 0.3.0-7.fc31 @fedora 351 k
python3-sssdconfig noarch 2.2.2-3.fc31 @updates 186 k
python3-webencodings noarch 0.5.1-8.fc31 @fedora 72 k
python3-wrapt x86_64 1.11.2-2.fc31 @fedora 166 k
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects x86_64 5.12.5-1.fc31 @fedora 687 k
qt5-qtquickcontrols x86_64 5.12.5-1.fc31 @fedora 5.3 M
qt5-qtquickcontrols2 x86_64 5.12.5-1.fc31 @fedora 8.8 M
qt5-qtstyleplugins x86_64 5.0.0-36.fc31 @fedora 1.4 M
qtlockedfile x86_64 2.4-29.20150629git5a07df5.fc31
@fedora 82 k
qtsingleapplication x86_64 2.6.1-36.fc31 @fedora 104 k
qtsinglecoreapplication x86_64 2.6.1-36.fc31 @fedora 103 k
texlive-powerdot noarch 9:svn45165-6.fc31 @updates 174 k
texlive-pst-blur noarch 9:svn15878.2.0-6.fc31 @updates 15 k
texlive-pst-slpe noarch 9:svn24391.1.31-6.fc31 @updates 20 k
texlive-type1cm noarch 9:svn21820.0-6.fc31 @updates 16 k
torque-libs x86_64 4.2.10-23.fc31 @updates 338 k
wiiuse x86_64 0.15.4-3.fc31 @fedora 108 k
Transaction Summary
Remove 112 Packages
Freed space: 299 M
Is this ok [y/N]: