Install virtualbox 7.0 on fedora 37

WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no module
available for the current kernel (6.0.13-300.fc37.x86_64) or it failed to
load. Please recompile the kernel module and install it by

       sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

Can someone help me please

What source are you installing from?
Did you install all dependencies? kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms gcc

Update virtualbox to 7.0.4, this version is compatible with your kernel version.

Installed by dnf repo and kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms gcc already installed

According ti you Is Better download the version 7.04 from virtualbox website?

No, what I’m saying is that first make sure that the version of virtualbox you use is the latest one, so you can be sure that you have compatibility with the kernel version you have:

The virtualbox dependencies are these:

sudo dnf -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms elfutils-libelf-devel qt5-qtx11extras gcc make perl bzip2

  • I currently use Kernel 6.1.1, and I have virtualbox 7.0.4 installed, and I was running 7.0.4 with kernel version 6.0.13, 6.0.14, so I think there should be no problems with your version.

  • First check if you have the latest virtualbox version, either from the repositories, or download the version from their website.

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The best way I know to use VirtualBox is to install it from rpmfusion since then it will automatically build the required kernel modules for the kernel version installed. If you install it from oracle then the user may be required to update the kernel modules manually.

A system upgrade that installs a new kernel will build the modules (if installed from rpmfusion) and a reboot will load the new kernel and the appropriate modules at the same time.

Solved. Thanks Merry Christmas.

You can post the solution?


P. D: Merry Christmas

I get solution installing the latest version of virtualbox 7.0.4 and adding my user in vboxusers group. Then after a reboot It starts working.
Thanks a lot

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dkms does all of that for you when installing VirtualBox from oracles repo. I never had to build and load a module manually

Thanks Jeff i’ll try now to enable the rpmfusion. Many of you suggest me this way.