It doesn’t show up among my apps however. I tried copying it to the Desktop folder, but it doesn’t show up on the desktop either. In fact, no file in the Desktop folder shows up on my desktop.
I’m on fedora workstation with a gnome desktop.
So, how to create an application entry in the nine dot apps thing?
There is now a small delay but noticable delay when I login. I assume it finds my macs.desktop file but can’t parse it correctly. I’ve already tried with smaller icon sizes.
Is there a way to see the output for when macs.desktop is parsed? Maybe there is an error.
I’ve just come acrossdesktop-file-validate, which complains about the $HOME in my file:
$ desktop-file-validate macs.desktop
macs.desktop: error: value "$HOME/src/maxtouch-external/MAXNewOSX/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/AppIcon64.png" for key "Icon" in group "Desktop Entry" looks like a relative path, instead of being an absolute path to an icon or an icon name
macs.desktop: error: value "$HOME/src/maxtouch-external/build/MACS" for key "Exec" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a reserved character '$' outside of a quote
Is there now a different way to refer to the home directory? Or do I need to have absolute path’s in there?
[Desktop Entry]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gio open 'http://localhost:8888'"
[Desktop Action Server]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "konsole -p tabtitle='2004Scape localhost Server' -e ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/'"
Name=Launch Local Server
The Exec for the Server action references ~ through bash. I copy/paste stuff from my notes and for Icon I use sed to change the CHANGEME to the name of the user that runs the command:
sed -i 's/'CHANGEME'/'$USER'/g' ~/'.local/share/applications/2004Scape-localhost.desktop'
And this refreshes the desktop launcher list (convenient vs logging out/back in but might be inconsistent on GNOME):