I just noticed there’s a group sudo with the gid 1001. What’s its purpose? Fedora uses wheel for sudoers AFAIK.
I ask because I just migrated users with uid/gid 1001/1001 from Ubuntu to Fedora and had to change the user’s gid because of that. I’d have expected for system groups to get IDs below 1000, though.
The sudo group doesn’t exist by default in Fedora. It looks like it was created later with the groupadd command, as it has a GID of 1001 (if you don’t specify a GID when adding a group with the groupadd command, the default is to use the smallest ID value greater than or equal to GID_MIN and greater than any other group, which is most likely 1001 since your user’s group will have a GID of 1000).
I don’t know how but it seems that our puppet manifest we use to provision our clients then does something that creates the sudo group although I cannot think of anything that might have this side effect. It has been migrated from targeting Ubuntu to targeting Fedora so it seems to be the most likely suspect. Thanks for your reply.