GDM Login screen scaling

After upgrading to F41, gnome decided to default to 125% fractional scaling. I set it back to 100% for the user session but where is that setting for the GDM login screen? Thank you!

Try cloning the display configuration:
Gnome Login Menu On Wrong Screen - #2 by vgaetera

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I am surprised Gnome is not exposing this setting somewhere. There is clearly a demand to change the scaling for GDM, and I am really wondering how a “regular”, non-power user is going to do that…

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An alternate way to change GDM scaling back to 100%

In the terminal, enter:

sudo machinectl shell gdm@ \
  $(type -P gsettings) set \
  org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor '1'

Additionally, you can try GDM Settings from the app store.