Festival TTS not working on Fedora 34

Hello, I am new to Fedora, but I think I have found 2 bugs in TTS packages. I have problems with espeak-ng on Fedora (the package adds -grandma to voice, but it’s the separate issue) and so I tried to move to festival TTS.

The problem I have is that the festial server cannot open a file. Google found the same problem on a bugzilla from a few years ago, but nothing fresh. Any ideas, what’s wrong?

spd-say "Testing test testings"
[aniemiec@r2d2l ~]$ sudo festival --server
client(4) Wed Oct 27 00:04:46 2021 : accepted from localhost
SIOD ERROR: could not open file speech-dispatcher.scm
client(4) Wed Oct 27 00:04:46 2021 : disconnected
[aniemiec@r2d2l ~]$ sudo find / -name "speech-dispatcher.scm"
[aniemiec@r2d2l ~]$ dnf list installed
speech-dispatcher.x86_64                          0.10.2-2.fc34                          @fedora
speech-dispatcher-festival.x86_64                 0.10.2-2.fc34                          @fedora
festival.x86_64                                   2.5.0-14.fc34                          @fedora

Should I report this as a bug somewhere?

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Yes, please, bugzilla would be the right place. You can login there using your Fedora Account also:

This should open the template for you:



I will do that, thank you.
Edit: 2017994 – speech-dispatcher.scm problem with festival and speech-dispatcher