List of packages that DNF should never completely remove. They are protected via Obsoletes as well as user/plugin removals.
The default is: dnf, glob:/etc/yum/protected.d/*.conf and glob:/etc/dnf/protected.d/*.conf. So any packages which should be protected can do so by including a file in /etc/dnf/protected.d with their package name in it.
DNF will protect also the package corresponding to the running version of the kernel. See also protect_running_kernel option
That command with redirection of the output should not be reliant upon dnf in any way. Redirecting the output is a shell controlled issue and not dependent upon which command is being used. Thus creating an alias within your shell would be easy. Not quite so easy if you want it to be an alias within dnf itself.
Hm, yes this is standard of course, but doesnt DNF save what it actually did somewhere? Dnf history just saves what you told it to do, which is quite different.