i have tried many outdated guides still no luck, here is what i have setup right now and the current guides im looking at:
use gnome disks to identify uuid of my nvme drive and my usb
use gnome disks to format the usb to fat and named the usb drive “keys”
also identify the correct full path to my usb so i can write the keyfile to it
the first command to create keyfile on my usb drive i named the the key file “mykeyfile” then next command adds that key file to luks as a new keyslot
sudo dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/random of=/run/media/fractal/22C9-8F3F/mykeyfile iflag=fullblock
sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/nvme1n1p3 /run/media/fractal/keys/mykeyfile
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/nvme1n1p3 to check if key slot was added and it was
sudoedit /etc/crypttab
luks-8f088ed4-6738-43a6-9b7f-fda6c800ba7b UUID=8f088ed4-6738-43a6-9b7f-fda6c800ba7b /run/media/fractal/keys:LABEL=keys luks,keyfile-timeout=30s
sudoedit /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=“rd.luks.uuid=luks-8f088ed4-6738-43a6-9b7f-fda6c800ba7b rhgb quiet mem_sleep_default=s2idle ipv6.disable=1 module.sig_enforce=1 rd.luks.key=22C9-8F3F=/run/media/fractal/keys:LABEL=keys rd.luks.options=8f088ed4-6738-43a6-9b7f-fda6c800ba7b=keyfile-timeout=30s”
sudo dracut -f
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
reboot, still the same password prompt
someone said if i edit crypttab then grub edits not needed vice versa, so i commented out the crypttab and still no luck
here is some other steps im trying
filesystems+=" fat "
Or use whichever filesystem you formatted your USB drive with then rebuild dracut
sudo dracut -f
found this in a silverblue guide:
add_drivers+=" fat "
add_drivers+=" vfat "
what am i doing wrong?