Fedora-Council/tickets ticket #410: Abolish Fedora Project Contributor Agreement

We discused this today at the Fedora 2024 Council Hackfest, and came up with this proposal, on which we have just voted.

  • Convert FPCA text to a Policy and remove the agreement text from FAS
  • FAS will need an update to support some kind of “I am a Contributor” CAPTCHA and Council will raise a Fedora Infra ticket for this work to be done

I would still prefer some kind of default licensing arrangement to be explicitly agreed to as part of becoming a contributor. Things are messy enough as it is, let’s not make it worse.

Agreed. This is a case where explicit is far better than implicit. And, as I pointed out in the Pagure ticket the vote doesn’t matter because the Council hasn’t followed its own policy here.

I appreciate the pedantry[1] but … I don’t think that’s right. This vote does matter — the council agreed that we want to do this, but we don’t have a new policy proposal yet. When we do, that will go through the Policy Change Policy.

  1. no, I mean, really, I do! ↩︎

I think @ref is more qualified to comment on this than I am, but as I understand it, he is telling us that the explicit agreement we have now is worse.